Enabling the Organics Recycling Renaissance: Lessons from those Generators, Haulers and Processors that are Rising to the Occasion

Momentum is rapidly building behind a renaissance in organics recycling. Currently, demand from generators is outpacing the growth and reach of organics recycling infrastructure. But given encouraging changes in legislation, new organics haulers and processors are entering the market at a fast pace, helping to plug crucial holes in local, state and national organics recycling networks. However, the learning curve for successful adoption and roll-out remains.

In this session, Ryan Cooper, Director of Circular Economy Solutions at Rubicon, will detail the ways in which generators, haulers, and processors are evolving to make organics recycling efficient, profitable, and sustainable.


WasteExpo 2023, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana


Tuesday, May 2, 9:15-10:45 a.m.