Today, we announced that Rubicon® is providing essential personal protective equipment (PPE) in the form of protective masks to all of its partner haulers and sanitation workers.

As COVID-19 cases continue to increase and new spikes are happening across the country, effective personal protective equipment is more important than ever for essential frontline workers, including our waste and recycling haulers. At Rubicon, we are proud to be able to offer union made in the USA protective masks to our partners to help ensure their safety while they continue to work on the frontlines.

Rubicon’s network of more than 7,000 hauler partners provide waste and recycling services for businesses across the country. Protective masks and other PPE are essential for waste and recycling workers to do their jobs safely and effectively. COVID-19 has magnified this importance as these workers continue to operate as essential services, while PPE supply shortages have made it difficult for many individuals and small businesses to acquire what is necessary to operate safely.

Partner haulers and sanitation workers can request the masks by emailing their Rubicon point of contact.

Supporting Essential Waste and Recycling Workers

At Rubicon, we were early to recognize that as the COVID-19 public health emergency began to unfold across the United States and the world, life as we know it was changing in new and challenging ways.

During this time, I began to author key communications designed to support independent waste and recycling haulers—who I believe are the backbone of our business in a time of crisis—as well as Rubicon employees. This included a letter to President Donald Trump, key Cabinet Secretaries, and U.S. Congressional Leaders urging them to not ignore waste and recycling haulers in COVID-19 relief packages on March 20, a letter to Rubicon’s independent hauler partners providing guidance on how they can apply for SBA loans during this time of immense economic hardship on March 26, and a letter to Rubicon employees after Georgia’s Governor, Brian Kemp, announced that the state will begin lifting various stay-at-home orders on April 21.

For further COVID-19 communications from Rubicon, please refer to our COVID-19 Communications Hub.

Providing this essential PPE to Rubicon’s partner haulers and sanitation workers is another key step that needs to be taken to support the men and women on the frontlines who are too often overlooked, but remain essential for our communities.

Nate Morris is Founder and CEO of Rubicon. To stay ahead of Rubicon’s announcements of new partnerships and collaborations around the world, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, or contact us today.

Photo Credit: Bloomberg