We all have different motives for getting out of bed in the morning. Let’s be honest, it’s usually to stop your annoying iPhone alarm from going off, but on the good days, it’s more than that. It is realizing that you’re about to spend another day doing what you love, your craft. For some, this is the feeling of grease between their fingers as they fix an old bike chain, or maybe the smell of fresh ground coffee beans at 4 a.m. as they’re opening shop, or even the sight of hundreds of volunteers ready to take on an event by storm. For us here at Rubicon, it’s getting to figure out what to do with your trash. Weird, we know, but trash is our craft.

Rubicon began because we knew there was a better way to offer businesses cheaper, more sustainable waste services. You see, the traditional large, national commercial garbage companies are pretty archaic when it comes to just about everything they do. Example A: most of them own landfills. This means they make their money by dumping your trash into a massive hole in the ground, not when they recycle – so they don’t. Example B: they are crazy expensive. They have continual price increases, which is largely due to their too-frequent pickup schedules (cue, inefficiency) and they provide you zero transparency into billing.

We think this is weird and lame. So, we spiced things up a bit.

We took this outdated model and crafted it into something awesome. Rubicon doesn’t own landfills and doesn’t work with any large commercial garbage companies. Instead, we partner with local trash haulers and recyclers in your area and find awesome solutions for your trash.

(We like to avoid burying trash into our planet as much as possible.) Also, we provide our partners with technology that helps their businesses run more efficiently, profitably and sustainably. In return, this allows your business to receive a less expensive waste solution and lets us do cool stuff with your trash!

Why are we working to make your business more sustainable, both green-wise and bottom-line wise? Because we have a passion for helping small businesses. Whether you’re a local coffee shop or a local garbage hauler, we want to put more dolla’s in your pocket and reduce your carbon footprint. So, we continue to craft technology, making waste management smarter, cheaper and more sustainable for everyone. And we craft unique solutions, our favorite part.

We get to take gross trash and turn it into stuff that can be used again. Old employee uniforms? Bam, dog bed stuffing. Excess pizza dough? Animal feed coming right up. Though we still don’t understand why beer would need to go anywhere except your stomach, we can turn it into ethanol just in case.

Our craft exists because of yours. There will always be waste, whether it’s hops or beer cans, cardboard boxes or cooking grease, ratty uniforms or old paperwork. Think of all the beautiful things this world could create if everyone loved their craft as much as we do, and had the chance to do it right.