In 2008, a Kentuckian named Nate Morris teamed up with an old high school friend named Marc Spiegel—whose family had been in the waste and recycling business for more than a century—to create a better, more sustainable way to deal with the problem of waste. And with that, Rubicon was born.
Today, Rubicon is a leading provider of software-based waste, recycling, and fleet operations products for businesses and governments worldwide. With more than 13 million service locations, Rubicon focuses on developing software solutions that bring new transparency to the waste and recycling industry—encouraging customers to make data-driven decisions that lead to more efficient and effective operations as well as more sustainable outcomes.
We manage all waste and recycling services through an extensive network of more than 8,000 vendor and hauler partners. Our programs span cardboard (OCC), plastic, paper, metal, glass, electronics recycling, construction and demolition (C&D), organics recycling (including food waste and composting services), and single-stream recycling (SSR). Our subject matter experts manage commodity markets, zero-waste programs, and other sustainability offerings across our portfolio. On top of all that, we offer an advanced smart city solution, RUBICONSmartCity™, that helps municipalities achieve and maintain more efficient, effective, and sustainable waste and recycling operations.